My suitcase heart

I would like to keep people in my life forever.

Here's a list... in no particular order (honestly). Just people I am currently missing.

Rachel Sinkgraven, Emma Drake, Tricia Thacker, Abby Sorocki, Becca Davis, Candice See, Jose Fares, Paul Trozan, Kelly Winters, Aline O'Connor, Tinsea Nelson, Kate Foland, Dane McCarthy, Rocky Rockwell, Brenda Reyes, Taty Ferrufino, Casey Gray, Tato Angulo, Lauren Cole, Chelsey Rubin, Shaneen Adams, Alycia Brodeur, Nivia Saravia, Alicia DeLauder.

Being Guatemalan

Not really... but... I've had quite a bit of new experiences... which I'm LOVING!

- Rode a tuk-tuk
- Watched a pig butchering
- Carried a basket of laundry up a hill, on my head
- Made earrings
- Walked the streets of another country, by myself
- Ordered food, by myself, in spanish
- Climbed a mountain... and blacked out...
- Injected a cow with medicine
- Vaccinated some chickens
- Watched the castrations of pigs and cows
- Helped wash clothes in a river

More to come... !

Guatemala Transformation

Welp... I think it's inevitable. God will transform me this summer. I just need to be open to His will, and I may not like everything God tells me, so I have prayer requests:

-That God will prepare my heart
-That I will be concious of what God has in store for me
-Willing to change
-Willing to be uncomfortable
-Willing to step out of my box
-To love
-To put others before myself at all times
-To be a servant
-To be open
-To see Central America in new eyes
-To be blessed
-To learn

Thank you, I appreciate the prayers.

Workout Goals

Here are my workout goals this semester:

❥ Run 5 miles

❥ Lose another 20ish pounds

❥ Have my 5k be around 30 min

❥ Be able to do 20 man push-ups

God Answers Prayer

I haven't really looked at this blog in a while... and I'm saturated in answered prayer.

God answers prayer daily.... and some things of these lists have proved it... for me.
My God is so real and alive and living within and around me.
God is so good... He's on fire.

regarding accomplishments:
riding a bike
continuing to fall in love with Jesus
losing weight
working on my imperfections:
stopped biting my nails
I haven't had outbursts in a while
my relationship with my parents is so, so much better
I am not unintelligent
I'm trying

Road Trip Prayer Requests

◴Overall Safety

◵Good Weather [at least when I'm driving]
◷Stay Alert
◴Don't Get Stopped
◵A Good Time!



☁not patient
☁anger issues
☁not out-going enough
☁bite my nails
☁treat people badly
☁don't use my time wisely
☁impure thoughts
☁I lie
☁I don't love enough
☁I worry
☁I don't respect my parents more then I should
☁I swear
☁I don't spend my money wisely
☁I don't read my Bible enough
☁I don't stand up for my beliefs anymore...
☁I let people walk over me
☁I don't know how to say no